Sunday, 23 June 2013

Enterprise City

Since our return from the half term holiday the children in both Y5 and Y6 have worked together on the Enterprise City Project.

They looked at what makes a town and city work, how companies develop and the skills needed to both run a company and work in paid employment.

Elections were also held for the post of Mayor and the Judge.

The children applied for jobs, completing a formal application form and a written letter in support. The children  then took part in a formal interview. All children received a written reply and offered a job. The children will take up these posts next Tuesday when we spend the day at "Enterprise City".

Dressed for interview...I am applying to be...

Creating Business Cards

The "City" theme continued across the curriculum. The children used their geography and DT skills  as they worked in teams to create their own city. 

The Coldest Journey

The intrepid team in the Antarctic have decided that it is too dangerous to continue with their crossing. This does not mean however that they will return home any time soon. They are stuck until the end of the Antarctic winter.

Whilst still in the Antarctic they will continue with  the scientific research commissioned - including work for NASA. Five men and a mouse in a caboose, in the dark, in subfreezing temperatures - a bit like space, no wonder it is called the White Mars project.

You can follow their progress of a modern day "shipwreck" on the Coldest Journey website.

Remember to scroll down to 5th June 2013 - you'll see Mary Mouse looking a bit frostbitten.


After a whole school mass, we celebrated the school Feast Day  - games and activities in class followed by a picnic and then more activities!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

The other side of the conversation...

After listening  to the posts below, the children and their questions, here is a short clip of the video of the interview take by the Ice Team

We have a rare glimpse into the caboose  - must be warmer inside than our classroom was earlier this week!

Mary Mouse is still in the caboose - not lost.

Sunday, 19 May 2013


We did do lots of things last week, including science experiments. Insoluble, soluble and a suspension?
Is the pasta soluble or insoluble?

A Fair Test...

That one is?

Five Star on Radio! Part 3

Final part of our interview.

Press play.

Star radio did record a little more. We will hopefully have that next week as well.

Five Star on Radio! Part 2

Here is the second installment of our radio interview.

Just press play

 There is more... Part 3 on its way!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Five Star on Radio! Part 1

The title for this blog  was Sophie's idea for her newspaper report. A clever play on words. Year 5 on the radio - Star Radio - interviewing 5 in Antarctica. A journalist in the making.

What you hear and see is a world exclusive - not even on the Coldest Journey website yet!
It took a long time to upload so part 2 tomorrow.

Just press play.

The children will be writing  reports about their trip to the radio station and their interviews and extracts will be posted next week. All the children asked a question. The video was partly filmed by the children so it has shakes and wobbles but it was such a unique experience you need to see it all.

We are grateful to the team on the ice who gave up their precious free time to spend half an hour speaking to us. 

The end to a busy week

The children presented their liturgy to the school on Friday morning and they did remarkably well after a very busy week. It was in fact nice to have some quiet time to reflect and take stock.

We continued the quiet time later in the afternoon with some Antarctica art work. Sorry no photos as the camera memory is full of video for the next post. The children used the whole classroom floor - yes they lay on the floor using A1 sheets of drawing paper and charcoal. They even went home reasonably clean!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

What a week... and it's not over yet!

What a busy week we've had! Ofsted visitors and a trip to Star Radio this afternoon.

The children spent 30 minutes today interviewing the Ice Team on the Antarctic. It is the longest distance phone call I've been involved with. I'm so glad I wasn't paying the phone bill!

The children asked some excellent questions and the Team gave some very detailed answers.  It was videoed at this end and the Team also videoed at their end so keep a lookout on the Coldest Journey website. Star radio will also let us have a recording.

Once I work out how to post  all of it on here I will.

I also have to say the children were brilliant and so well behaved.  So well done to you all. We will be in touch with Otterton Primary School as well tomorrow and we have an assembly to prepare for Friday.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Update on our Blog

Thought that you might like some interesting information about our blog.

Since the blog was started in January this year we have had 989 views. We are followed from far and wide! As well as viewers in the UK in the last week we have followers in America, Russia, Germany and Japan. If you do look at our blog please feel free to leave a message.

Reminder Y5 Assembly

Our class will lead the liturgy on Friday morning. Our theme is Pentecost. The children will be learning the following prayer during the week.

The background photo is the sunset over the Antarctic taken by the Coldest Journey Team. The children were shown the picture after we had talked about heaven in RE. They decided that his photograph represented heaven to them so it is also on display in the classroom.


Our science this term is looking at changes in materials. The children planned an investigation so they could observe evaporation and condensation. As boiling water was involved we also had a discussion about safety.


Lots of new friends

The children are now becoming experts at using email. They have emailed each other through the school system and our friends at Otterton Primary School. The children hope to develop these links by way of pen pals so the children can write directly to each other.

We also welcome two new children to our class, one joined 2 weeks ago and another last week. We now have 13 girls and just 5 boys!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Breaking News!

Y5 have been offered a unique opportunity and an unusual trip. In the next 2 weeks we will go to Star Radio in Darlington to find out what goes on behind the scenes at a radio station. The main purpose of our visit will be to interview the members of the Coldest Journey Team. Those currently in Antarctica and living at -35C and working in only a few hours of daylight. They will contact the radio station so we can ask questions. The interview will be recorded by the radio station and a video of the children will be made. This will all be unloaded here and hopefully on the Coldest Journey website.

We will be able to tell the Team about how the school is collecting 5p's to support Seeing is Believing.

Our fiends at Otterton Primary School are also going to send us questions so we can ask them on their behalf.

Our Friends in Devon

We received some lovely letters from our friends at Otterton Primary School in Devon. They are now on display in the corridor outside our classroom. 

 The opposite wall shows the Adventures of Mary Mouse. This display is now extending towards Year 6.

Classroom Update

We had a another move last week! However it was only over night so that the new carpet could be fitted in the reading area. The tent had been taken down for the time being so that we could all try out the carpet. Velcro beware! The carpet seems to attract Velcro.

Sunday, 28 April 2013


The children will be going to Star Radio within the next few weeks to see how a radio programme is put together. There will hopefully be even more exciting this space!

Outdoor PE!

There was a break in the weather earlier in the week and the children managed to get out onto the field for a coach led football training session. Hopefully the weather will improve so that we can go outdoors more often.

This however was the view of the Junior Playground at 4:30 on Friday from our classroom door. We had Antarctic weather.

Music Maestro Please...

For music lessons this term the children have a specialist music teacher. The children are continuing to develop their skills in playing the recorder. They will also learn how to read music without the note letters on show! As we discovered this can be a bit tricky. The lessons are tuneful - but we do have to keep the classroom door closed.

Hopefully in a few weeks time we will be able to record the tunes and post them for all to hear.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Just a Reminder!

Remember that all projects are due in in the morning!!

We have some interesting activities planned for the next few weeks all linked to the Coldest Journey. Watch this space for our exciting news.

This term the children will learn the recorder as part of their music lessons and this Tuesday both indoor and outdoor PE kit will be needed as there will be a special PE lesson on football skills.

Remember to leave a message if you look at the blog we love hearing from you. We have had messages from across the globe - in the last week 6 views from Russia.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Radio News

Think I've sorted it!

Below is the whole news broadcast for 6pm 21st March 2013 on Star Radio.
You need to listen from about 40 seconds.

Radio News

The news was read by a professional journalist but Year 5 wrote the "package", they interviewed Nicholas and Mia as well as choosing the backing track and audio of Sir Ranulph Fiennes

All children worked hard and enjoyed the day.

The next step will be for us to look at producing our own radio programme using various editing software!!

Radio News

Just an update I am still trying to work out how to add our radio broadcast! I can add pictures and video but not just audio! I will keep trying.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Coldest Journey and New Friends

Through the Coldest Journey website we have made contact with a school in Devon - Class 3 at Otterton Primary School who are Year 4 and Year 5 children.

Another classroom in another part of the country changed into the Antarctic - they also have a tent, snow and they have blue jumpers and cardigans just like us!!!!

Hopefully over the next few months we will exchange work, share ideas and learn about different parts of the country.

So Class 3 if you are looking at our blog welcome, you will see that we do lots of exciting things as well as all the literacy, numeracy, science and all the other things that you have to do in school. 

We look forward to getting to know our new friends .

The News

Today Y5 spent the day learning how a news report is put together for a radio programme. They worked with Star Radio learning all the tricks of the trade.

Although only a few clips of the children's voices appear, they worked together to write the script for the journalist Louise to read on the evening news slots. 

The children also interviewed Mia and Nicholas about their trip to London, they talked about how excited that they are that the Coldest Journey Adventure had begun and they even chose the music for the backing track to our news item.

Below are a selection of photos of the day and the full broadcast will be poster here soon

Getting started

Reading what we have prepared

Now we are putting the sections together

Monday, 18 March 2013

The Adventures of Mary Mouse

Last week the Coldest Journey posted a special video all about Mary Mouse. You can watch it here.

The Great Adventure starts this week - watch out for our news report at the end of the week.

Show Racism the Red Card

Last Friday, after an exciting assembly of 50 years of music and dance, the Year 5 spent the rest of the day looking at the issues around racism. The children took part in various workshops including a PE session run by Dean a former professional football player. Some lucky children also were drawn out of the hat to receive tickets to see Sunderland play football on Sunday.

Warm Up

Game on

Remember the 1970's?

The children enjoyed learning all about the 1970's last week. They laughed at the fashion, recognised some of the music, wished sweets still cost the same as in the 1970's and puzzled over some of the children's TV programmes. Why did children get cabbages as prizes?

Striking the pose for Night Fever

Sunday, 10 March 2013

A reminder and an invite

Just to remind all children to bring boxes, tubes etc into school next week so that we can design and make our musical instruments from recycled material.

Next Friday there will be a special assembly celebrating  50 years of the school, through music and costumes from those decades. Y5 and Y6 will demonstrate the 1970's. The children can dress for the occasion - Mrs Hargreaves already has her costume in school - I just need to find the wig!

Parents can also join in the fun and dress up as well.

Photos will be posted next week.

Science in Action

This week the children spent most of the day investigating "Light".
Working in pairs they developed a fair test in order to carry out  investigations.

Testing materials.

Creating and measuring shadows.

The children are not in normal school uniform  - it was World Book Day.

Looking Good!

 For those who have not been into our classroom recently we almost back to normal now. We are still following The Coldest Journey and some of our displays show this work.

The children wrote letters this week to Sir Ran inviting him into school. They have been sent by recorded delivery to the Coldest Journey HQ in London - just to make sure they get there!

On the 21st March - the day the "Team" starts their epic journey across the Antarctic, the children will be working with Star Radio to make a radio broadcast about events. It will of course be posted here for you all to hear.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Mary Mouse

We were saddened to hear that Sir Ranulph Fiennes could no longer continue with his trek across Antarctica. He had suffered from frostbite during training.

The link below show his farewell to his team still on the ice - all 6 of them. Watch the clip below carefully and see who you can spot.

We will still follow their journey.


This week as part of our RE topic we have been sharing memories.

The children have painted panels with fabric paints for a patchwork quilt. There was only one disaster!

Back to normal

As you can see we are back to normal in Y5. Just the tent to go back up next week.

The children produced some lovely projects and supporting models and they are all on display. The children are keen to read each others work.

The children all enjoyed working on their Space Project, they asked if they could have homework - another project! After some discussion between themselves they asked to be able to choose their own topic for a project but they wanted a checklist similar to those in their literacy books. 

The children helped to produce a checklist for their work and a blank booklet went home together with a check list on Friday. The children can produce their information in any format. The projects are due in the Monday after the Easter holidays.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Changed Setting

The setting has been changed so that there is no need to have a Google account to post a comment.

Welcome back!

The heating is all fixed and the classroom lovely and warm.

Everything is back to normal - well almost! You will spot a couple of changes in the morning. Photos will be posted once the children have seen the changes in the morning.

Remember the treat on Friday for all children who attend all week and are on time!

Sunday, 10 February 2013


Year 5, remember that your science projects are due in on Monday!

Moving out and planning an assembly

Wednesday saw us yet again moving out of our classroom. Hopefully by half term the heating will be fixed and our classroom can once again become an Antarctic Base Camp - only with lots of heating!

In between moving, assessment and an expedition we also managed to learn a dance for our class assembly.

The message of our assembly was to spread the Good News and God's love. We did this  by writing our own bidding prayers and through a lively dance.

 All classes will be collecting 5p's for St. Cuthbert's Care 5p bus during Lent.

Our Great Expedition

Wednesday saw Year 5 undertake an expedition to the school Wildlife Area.

It was a very cold day and there had been lots of rain the night before. We all got a bit muddy! Like true explorers observations of the local weather and plant life were undertaken. One team also investigated perimeter.

We also met up someone who inhabits the Wildlife Area and was interested in our food supplies - Martha, the sister of Mary Mouse.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Judo Trials

Another active day today.

The class had a taster judo session. There was only one bumped nose and all the children enjoyed themselves. Later in the afternoon we continued to learn the dance for assembly on Friday.

Tomorrow is our great expedition!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Mary Mouse is on the ice

On Friday morning we received exciting the news that Mary Mouse is now an Antarctic explorer. She was finally on the ice. We look forward to hearing about her Coldest Journey.

You can follow the whole team at

The class is going on an expedition of its own next week. This is so that all have the experience to apply for a job as the Eighth Team Member. The job adverts are almost finished, but all say experience is needed.

We also hope that Martha Mouse will also join our expedition. She will certainly have something  to tell her sister Mary.

More news later in the week...

What a busy week!

Last week was a busy week!

Monday saw us out and about in the forest. For those who know us, we do enjoy learning outdoors. This time it was how to make a journey stick, story telling and an investigation.

On Wednesday we spent time with the Year 4 class as part of our RE.  We had the opportunity to question Mr Hargreaves who is training to be a deacon in our diocese. There were a few tricky questions but fortunately Mr Hargreaves was able to answer them all. The children made notes and the class then followed this up by writing a report on the role of a deacon.

Our thanks go to Mr Hargreaves for taking the time to come into school before going to his office.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


Welcome to Year 5's new blog! Keep checking here for updates on what we have been doing! Our school website  our school blog