Thursday, 21 March 2013

The News

Today Y5 spent the day learning how a news report is put together for a radio programme. They worked with Star Radio learning all the tricks of the trade.

Although only a few clips of the children's voices appear, they worked together to write the script for the journalist Louise to read on the evening news slots. 

The children also interviewed Mia and Nicholas about their trip to London, they talked about how excited that they are that the Coldest Journey Adventure had begun and they even chose the music for the backing track to our news item.

Below are a selection of photos of the day and the full broadcast will be poster here soon

Getting started

Reading what we have prepared

Now we are putting the sections together


  1. THAT was fun

    THAT was fun


    1. yes it was i got to hold the microphone mackenzie my sister was very happy when she came home phoebie and wendie
